5 BOTOX® aftercare tips for your face

The advancement in technology now allows us to fight aging and fine lines with botox therapy and attain the much-coveted young and glowing skin for a long time. It is not only an efficient method of reducing the fine lines but also safe for your skin. When the signs of aging start developing on your face, you can resort to this treatment. This therapy is conducted on the face, neck, and near the eyes. However, you must be aware of specific regulations that you must follow before and after this treatment to ensure safety. These are the five botox aftercare tips that you must follow:

1) Not massaging your face for 24 hours

The area on which the botox therapy has been done, you must not rub or massage the particular area. For instance, after botox therapy on your face, you must not pressure your facial muscles for at least a day. The dosage of botox must stay in the targeted area, and rubbing might cause an anomaly. The botox toxin injected in the specific area must be tenderly dealt with because touching or massaging the site might have detrimental health impacts like nerve damage drooping of eyelids.

2) Sleeping in a specific position

After botox treatment, you must be careful about your sleeping position for a night and keep the area that has received botox to stay unaffected, thereby allowing the treatment to settle down in your muscles. For example, after face botox, you should sleep on your back to avoid the contact of the face with the pillows on the bed sheet or the application of pressure on the facial muscles.

3) Doing only Light Exercises

After Botox treatment, you can easily resume regular life activities and need not remain confined to your house. You can experience some soreness or discomfort occasionally, but it gradually subsides within a day or two. You may even do light exercise daily, but you should avoid strenuous workout sessions for a few days. The muscles or area targeted for botox treatment should remain unaffected and untouched, and the toxin must remain fixed in the place. So it is ideal to avoid heavy workouts and stick to some light exercises.

4) Doing Facial exercises

After a day or two of keeping the area untouched and unaffected, you can start with some facial exercises focussing on the particular muscles. It is a crucial part of botox aftercare. After receiving face botox, you can do some facial exercises by simply doing regular facial expressions like smiling, frowning, grinning, etc.

5) Taking mild Painkillers

If you experience any pain after the treatment, you must consult with your doctor and take the prescribed painkillers. The doctor may also suggest the application of any cream to reduce irritation and pain. However, it would be best if you did not consume strong painkillers. Instead, you can apply an ice pack on the bruised area only after consulting the doctor. It is quite rare to experience pain, yet seeking professional advice is the best idea if it occurs.


At present, botox therapy has become quite common, and many people resort to this treatment to remove the signs of aging. It is considered safe, yet you must seek the advice of your doctor and professionals before proceeding with this treatment. After the treatment, you must stick to the above-stated tips for the best results.

Post Author: Frida Anders